The United States Naval Academy Alumni Online Community
The GougeNews and views on the Naval Academy, the Navy, and alumni. Avenues for Alumni DiscussionThere's a USNA discussion listserve open to all including current midshipmen as well as parents, candidates, and anyone interested in an online discussion of the Academy. It is run by Philip B Janus '89; to subscribe, send mail to [email protected] with the command (cut & paste it!): SUBSCRIBE USNA-L [First Name] [Last Name]. For more info, see the listserve info page. We've also found a USNA message board on America Online; it is in the Alumni Hall area (keyword alumni [these links only work if you are viewing this page with America Online]). It's pretty dead, so all you AOL'ers out there, might as well use it! From the Alumni AssociationOn November 12, 1996, the Alumni Association announced the official Alumni Listserve; here's the letter from Admiral Marryott, President and CEO of the Association, announcing the list and how to subscribe. Public Alumni Directory!
World Alumni Net has
made a public USNA
Alumni Directory available at
Disclaimer: As it says on their page, the availability of the registry service to the alumni does not constitute an official endorsement of the World Alumni Net, its staff or services, by the school (or in our case, Homeport or the Alumni Association). It's just another place to make yourself known to other Alumni on the web; you can even restrict your listing just to registered Alumni. Recent Addresses and RemarksGeneral Charles Krulak '64, Commandant of the Marine Corps, had some interesting comments about the prospect of a Marine Commandant of Cadets in a recent speech to the National Press Club. A lot of stuff well worth your attention came out ofa U.S. Naval Institute seminar at the Academy. Here is the address by James Webb '68 and remarks from the Chief of Naval Operations distributed after his visit to the Academy for the seminar. Please see the May '96 issue of Shipmate for Admiral Boorda's remarks at the seminar.
New 12/03/96; Updated Mon Oct 13 09:08:16 1997 by Ray Trygstad '77. © Copyright 1996, 1997 Andúril Design, Naperville, IL |