- All Hands Official Magazine of the U.S. Navy
[Naval Media Center, U.S. Navy]
- http://www.mediacen.navy.mil/pubs/allhands/
- The American Neptune A quarterly journal of
maritime history and arts [Peabody Essex Museum]
- http://www.pem.org/neptune/
- Approach Magazine U.S. Naval Aviation Safety;
issues in .pdf format [Naval Aviation
Safety Center, U.S. Navy]
- http://safetycenter.navy.mil/media/approach/
- Ashore U.S. Navy safety ashore [Naval
Safety Center, U.S. Navy]
- http://safetycenter.navy.mil/media/ashore/
- CHIPS U.S. Navy computers [Naval
Computer And Telecommunications Area Master Station, LANT; U.S. Navy]
- http://www.chips.navy.mil/
- Deckplate Magazine Technical assistance for
the U.S. Navy fleet sailor [Naval Sea
Systems Command, U.S. Navy] (gone 3/31/02)
- http://www.navsea.navy.mil/deckplate/current/
- Defense News Trade journal for the defense
industry (subscription required for full access) [Army
Times Publishing Company]
- http://www.defensenews.com/
- Duluth Shipping News Duluth, Minnesota [Kenneth
R. Newhams]
- http://www.duluthshippingnews.com/
Fathom U.S. Navy safety afloat [Naval
Safety Center, U.S. Navy]
- http://safetycenter.navy.mil/media/fathom/
- FRA - Naval Affairs Magazine [Fleet
Reserve Association]
- http://www.fra.org/navalaffairs/
- Ground Warrior U.S. Marine Corps ground forces
safety [Naval Safety Center, U.S.
- http://safetycenter.navy.mil/media/groundwarrior/
- The Hook U.S. Navy carrier aviation community
[Tailhook Association]
- http://www.Tailhook.org/HookMag.htm
- IMO News (Inside page of a framed site)
[International Maritime Organization]
- http://www.imo.org/Newsroom/mainframe.asp?topic_id=11
- The Journal of Commerce Online [The
Journal of Commerce Inc.]
- http://www.joc.com/
- Leatherneck Magazine of the U.S. Marines [Marine
Corps Association]
- http://www.mca-marines.org/Leatherneck/lneck.html
- Link U.S. Navy enlisted personnel professional
(career) bulletin [Bureau of Personnel,
U.S. Navy]
- http://www.bupers.navy.mil/periodicals/link/index.html
- LloydsList.com Online version of the Lloyd's
List newspaper, with the latest news of the shipping industry. [Informa
Group PLC]
- http://www.lloydslist.com/
- The Maritime Advocate Maritime Law; current
and recent contents by subscription only but early archives available [ Merlin
Corporate Communications]
- http://www.maritimeadvocate.com/default.htm
- Marine Corps Gazette Since
1916 the Professional Journal of U.S. Marines [Marine
Corps Association]
- http://www.mca-marines.org/Gazette/gaz.html
- Marine Times Commercially-produced U.S. Marine
Corps weekly newspaper [Army Times Publishing
- http://www.marinetimes.com/
- Marine Log The magazine of shipping, shipbuilding,
marine design and offshore industry [Simmons-Boardman]
- http://www.marinelog.com/
- MarineLink [Maritime Activity Reports, Inc.]
- http://www.marinelink.com/ The
World Wide Web's Maritime Information Source; includes
- Maritime Reporter
- http://www.marinelink.com/mrmain.asp
- Marine News
- http://www.marinelink.com/mnmain.asp
- Maritime Week (Gone 4/1/02)
- http://www.marinelink.com/mwmain.asp
- Marines Magazine Official magazine of the
U.S. Marine Corps [Headquarters
Marine Corps Division of Public Affairs, Media Branch]
- http://www.usmc.mil/marinesmagazine
- Mech U.S. Navy aviation maintenance safety
and best practices [Naval Safety Center,
U.S. Navy]
- http://safetycenter.navy.mil/media/mech/
- Military Magazine Military History of
WWII, Korea, Viet-Nam and Today
- http://www.milmag.com/
- Naval Aviation News Official magazine of U.S.
Naval Aviation [Naval
Aviation History and Publications Division, Naval Historical Center, U.S.
- http://www.history.navy.mil/branches/nhcorg5.htm
- Naval History [U.S.
Naval Institute]
- http://www.usni.org/NavalHistory/NHCurrenttoc.htm
- Naval Reservist News [Public
Affairs Office of the Commander, Naval Reserve Force, U.S. Navy]
- http://www.ncts.navy.mil/navresfor/nrn/
- Navis Online Magazine of Ship and Naval Aviation
History and Modeling (subscription required for full access)
- http://navismagazine.com/
- Navy Housing Today (gone 4/6/01) [U.S. Navy
Facilities Engineering Command]
- http://www.fac56.navfac.navy.mil/nht/
- Navy News this Week (ASCII text) [Naval
Media Center, U.S. Navy]
- http://www.navy.mil/navpalib/news/navnews/Navnews.txt
- Navy Times Commercially-produced U.S. Navy
weekly newspaper [Army Times Publishing Company]
- http://www.navytimes.com/
- New Zealand Shipping Gazette News for importers
and exporters [Mercantile Gazette Marketing Ltd]
- http://www.shipping-gazette.co.nz/shipdata/
- NSnet [Marine
Systems Division of the University
of Michigan Transportation Research Institute]
- http://www.nsnet.com/
- Pacific Stars and Stripes Newspaper for U.S.
Armed Forces in the Pacific; now privately owned
- http://www.stripes.osd.mil
- Perspective The professional (career) bulletin for
U.S. Naval Officers [Bureau of
Personnel, U.S. Navy]
- http://www.bupers.navy.mil/periodicals/perspective/index.html
- Proceedings The professional journal of the
U.S. Sea Services [U.S. Naval Institute]
- http://www.usni.org/Proceedings/PROcurrentoc.htm
- Professional Mariner Journal of the Maritime
Industry [Navigator Publishing
- http://www.professionalmariner.com/
- Program Notes Quarterly Newsletter of the
U.S. Navy Music Program [Bureau of Personnel,
U.S. Navy]
- http://www.bupers.navy.mil/navymusic/programnotes.htm
- Revista Marítima (Maritime Review)
Argentinean magazine of international cargo transport (in Spanish) [Revista
Marítima] (Gone 4/1/02)
- http://www.rm.com.ar/
Rotor Review U.S. Naval rotary-wing (helicopter) aviation [Naval
Helicopter Association]
- http://www.navalhelicopterassn.org/rotrev.htm
- Seapower The official publication of the Navy
League of the United States [Navy League
of the United States]
- http://www.navyleague.org/seapower.htm
- Shai Maritime magazine for Israel and the
global market; some areas require subscription for access (currently in Hebrew
only)[Shai Publications Ltd.]
- http://www.shipping.co.il
- Shift Colors The Newsletter for U.S. Navy
Retirees [Bureau of Personnel, U.S.
- http://www.bupers.navy.mil/periodicals/shiftcolors/index.html
- Shipping International "The Maritime
Net Magazine" [Ship Publishing Group,
- http://www.shipint.com/
- Singapore Shipping Times Online [Singapore
Press Holdings Ltd]
- http://shiptimes.asia1.com.sg
- Surface Warfare Magazine The Official Magazine
of the U.S. Navy's Surface Warfare Community (ship operators) [Chief
of Naval Operations Surface Warfare Division (N86), U.S. Navy]
- http://surfacewarfare.nswc.navy.mil/magazine/
- Traditional Boats and Tall Ships [Poundbury
Publishing Ltd]
- http://www.tallship.co.uk/
- TradeWinds The International Shipping Gazette
[Norges Handels og Sjofartstidende (NHST)]
- http://www.tradewinds.no/
- Undersea Warfare Magazine The Official Magazine
of the U.S. Submarine Force [Chief
of Naval Operations Submarine Warfare Division (N87), U.S. Navy]
- http://www.chinfo.navy.mil/navpalib/cno/n87/mag.html
- U.S. Navy/Marine Corps Base Newspapers (typically
edited/written by base Public Affairs staffs but often privately produced)
- Everett Navy Dispatch Naval Station Everett --
Everett, Washington
- http://www.everett.navy.mil/dispatch/dispatch.htm
- The Flagship Naval Base Norfolk -- Norfolk, Virginia
- http://www.flagshipnews.com/
- Flight Jacket Marine Corps Air Station Miramar,
San Diego, California
- http://www.miramar.usmc.mil/flight/flight.htm
- The Globe Marine Corps Base Camp Lejuene, South
- http://www.lejeune.usmc.mil/archives/globe.html
- Hawaii Marine Marine Corps Base Hawaii
- http://www.mcbh.usmc.mil/news/news.htm
- Hawaii Navy News Navy Region Hawaii
- http://www.hnn.navy.mil/
- Henderson Hall News Henderson Hall (Headquarters
Marine Corps), Arlington, Virginia
- http://www.dcmilitary.com/marines/hendersonhall/
- The Journal National Naval Medical Center, Bethesda.
- http://www.dcmilitary.com/navy/journal/
- The Navy Channel Ventura County (California) Navy
- http://www.cbcph.navy.mil/Coverall/coverall.html
- Navy Compass Navy Region San Diego
- http://www.cnbsd.navy.mil/compass/compass.htm
- The Okinawa Marine Marine Corps Bases Japan
- http://okinawa.mcbbutler.usmc.mil/newslinks.html
- Quantico Sentry Marine Corps Base Quantico, Virginia
- http://www.quantico.usmc.mil/pao/
- Rotovue Marine Corps Air Station New River, Jacksonville,
North Carolina
- http://www.lejeune.usmc.mil/mcasnr/rotovue.htm
- The Scout Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, California
- http://www.cpp.usmc.mil/cpao/scout/index.htm
- Sea Services Weekly Naval District Washington (D.C.)
- http://www.dcmilitary.com/navy/seaservices/
- The Skywriter Naval Air Facilty Atsugi, Japan (linked
from Atsugi main page)
- http://www.atsugi.navy.mil/
- Tester Naval Air Station Patuxent River, Maryland
- http://www.dcmilitary.com/navy/tester/
- Torii Teller Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni,
- http://www.iwakuni.usmc.mil/ToriiTeller/Torii_Teller.htm
- Trident U.S. Naval Academy complex, Annapolis,
- http://www.dcmilitary.com/navy/trident/