Note: Open Directory pages are provided courtesy of the Open Directory
Project,; the Naval
and Maritime page of the World Wide Web Virtual Library is not responsible
for the content or correctness of these pages.
The Marine Corps Wives
- Marine Corps oriented website specifically for wives and families of Marines.
The Marine Guest Book
- The only guestbook
on the WWW designed for United States Marines, Thousands have signed in.
U.S. Marine Corps Resources - Resources and information covering a wide
variety of interests for the United States Marine Corps.
Text - Poem familiar to Marines.
Always Faithful - SSSGT
Lavota's Marine Corps website. Semper Fidelis
angle cosign indicator and ballistic
steel - The Sniper Tools Design Company designs specialty items for the
military and law enforcement.
Articles By Lt.
Col Tom McKenney - Previously published articles of LtCol Tom McKenney
USMC Retired.
Beirut Memorial On Line - Dedicated
to all U.S. Veterans of Beirut, Lebanon: 1958, 1982-84 deployments as well
listing of servicemen deaths in operations other than war.
Big - Info about the Big
"D" Detachment, the Marine Corps League, and the Marine Corps.
Bizarre Conversation
On The House Floor - The House of Representatives, that is.
of US Embassies--Marine Security Guards - Information, and an actual
report from a Marine officer of Marine Security Guard immediately after a
bombing in Africa, 1998.
British and US Military
Ranks Compared - Both officer and enlisted, rank charts, other information,
Camp CQB - Law Enforcement and military
firearms and tactical training center specializing in hostage rescue. Training
available for private citizens. Founded by former United States Marine.
Capt Richard G. Lemasters,
USMC Retired - About my military career.
Raiders Executed! USMC - Nine Marines of Carlson's Raiders were left
behind on the Makin Raid in 1942, and, a few weeks later, were executed (beheaded
by the Japanese...
Chesty's Home on the Net - Site dedicated
to Lt.Gen. Lewis B.(Chesty) Puller. Sea Stories, book reviews and home of
the largest link page of USMC units pages on the web.
China Marines - A
rendezvous for China-service Marines of all eras! Find old friends-List your
name so that others may find you.
D and F Outfitters , Custom Marine
Corps Items - D and F is a custom Marine Corps product specialist. This
site has everything from BDU's to NVG's. Online catalog with sub catgories.
Survival,hunting,law enforcement,and military. Special USMC Gear Page!!
Evans F. Carlson Forum! -
Forum (guestbook/messageboard) for the Raider Marines of Carlson's 2d Marine
Raider Battalion!
Face The Flag -
By John Wayne... Need I say more?
The Few The
Proud - Marines, marine corps, devil dogs, leathernecks, Okinwawa, USMC,
Few, The Proud - Article concerning the history, sayings, and tradition
of the United States Marine Corps.
The Few, The Proud, The Marines
Forum - Message board forum for current and former Marines and their
friends and families. Share experiences, discuss current events or pass on
a good joke.
First Of The Gung Ho Marines!
- The background of the Marine, Evans F. Carlson, who founded the 2dMarine
Raider Battallion in 1942 and led it on the daring Makin Island Raid in the
August 1942 operation in the Pacific!
Flag Education and Etiquette
- Rules for flag education and etiquette by The American Legion.
French Marine Corps
: French Army Elite - French Marine Corps page in English.
Gatlin Gun's Sit-Down
Shop - New site with a need for ideas. Future home of "Sit-downs" for
the expression and discussion of ideas, situations, etc., etc.
George C. Scott--Sgt
USMC/'Damn Great Actor! - An account of George C. "Patton" Scott who
served as a US Marine during the latter part of WWII.
Giving young Marines the
motivation - Just something i wanted to do for the great time i had while
on active duty. Semper fi Marines!!!
Gunny Gaines, USMC
Ret. - Short-stories by and or about Old Time U.S. Marines and Navay
Corpsmen; Forum/Message Boards for WW II/Korean War-Era Marines; Whatever
Happened To...? Find Old Buddies, etc.
Gunny G's Marine
E-Mail Discussion List - To provide a forum for feedback from GyG's News
and Views List, etc.
Gunny G's Marine Postal
WebSite - Marine Vignettes - Marine Postal - MailCall USMC - Old-Timers,
and more....
Gunny G's News and
Views - Daily E-Mail List consisting of articles pertaining to Marine
Corps/Military/Political/Politically Incorrect, etc.
Gunny G's USMC Forum
- Forum/Meeting Place for US Matines--active, retires, discharged, reserves,
etc. Respond to posts, post your own, list your website, etc.
Gunny G's
Yahoo Club - Read/Post information, bookmarks, etc. Respond to posts
if you like. For all Marines--retired, discharged, active, reserves, etc.
Gunny's Web - Just A place
for all Active,retired and former Marine to visit.
Gunowners Of America - "The only
no-compromise gun lobby in Washington." -Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX)
Guy Gabaldon USMC - Website,
newsletter, and book by WWII Marine.
Gyrene! Songs and Stories - Expanded
sound clips and lyrics of all 14 songs on Oscar Brand's 'Tell it to the Marines'
album in RealAudio 3.0. True Marine Corps stories - your stories are welcome.
Wanderer USMC Post Cards - Send free military post cards with or w/o
audio attachment.
Moon--MOH - U.S. Marine, Harvey Barnum, an Arty FO, assumes command of
H-2-9 in Vietnam.
Headquarters Marine
Corps Association - Formerly HQMC Old Timers Assn.
Higgins' Homepage - Memorial to Col.
Higgins, USMC -
In Flanders Field - Well known
poem relative to WWI.
Memory - Post a tribute to a deceased Vet, whether they died in bed of
old age or on the battle field. POW/MIA's welcome too.
In Search Of Justice! - Information
regarding the murder of Marine couple James and Joan Lotz, and their murderer.
Japan-duty Marines
Speak Out! - Marines of the 1950s-Stories, Comments, Feedback, Message
Board/Guestbook, etc.
- Homepage of Carl Peters , a former Marine Corps Machine Gunner (O331)
Korean War Discussion
List Information - OPEN TO ALL __ For the discussion by all of all areas
of the Korean War!
The Last Parade - Unusual
story of a young Marine sergeant, a rifle squad leader, in the Korean War.
LBJ'S Memorial
Page - Memorial to Lima Company 3rd. Battalion 3rd. Marines KIA'S during
my time with the Battalion,Sept. 1966-Aug. 1967
The Leathernecks:
The United States Marine Corps - Another fine Marine website! Much
Louisiana Young Marines Web Regiment
Project - All units form 3 Battalions, composing the recently formed
Louisiana Young Marines Regiment.
Man We Left Behind-Iwo Jima 1945 - Little known information regarding
a Marine Combat Photographer involved in the filming of the famous Suribachi
Flag Raising.
Marine Bloodstripes
Home Page - Marine Bloodstripes Home Page - Dedicated to Marine Vets
Marine Book
Reviews/Reading List - Sources for Marine Books/Videos, etc. Book Reviews,
information, etc.
The Marine Breed - Between
1946 and 1950 there was an organized attempt to "legislate the Marines out
of existence."
The Marine Corps
Art of LtCol D.J. Neary - Includes: field art, Gazette covers, U.S. Marine
Band illustrations, and more.
Marine Corps Bases Japan
- Marine Corps Bases Japan news and information.
Marine Corps Community Services MCRD San
Diego - Providing retail, recreation,food and services, and Semper Fit
Programs to Marines, their depentents, retirees. MCRD hosts Recruit Graduation
for Western Recruiting Region. Online Memorabilia Store!
The Marine Corps Drill Instructer
- Dedicated to the Marine Corps Drill Instructer and all Marines who have
served !
Corps Free-For-All Links Page - Free advertising opportunity for
Marine-related Web sites. Browse or add your URL.
The Marine Corps Legacy Museum - A non-profit
educational organization dedicated to USMC History and the construction of
the ONLY comprehensive study archive and display of USMC history in the Central
Corps Organizations/RelatedSites - See listings/Add your URL.
Marine Corps Stuff
- For and about Marines
Marine Haircuts! - The only
website on the WWW featuring the famous Marine (High and Tight!) haircut.
Marine Helicopter Squadron - Marine
Helicopter Squadron 367, Vietnam,MACV-SOG, Laos, Hue-PhuBai UH-1E's, Cobras,
History-Selected Readings - From the Air University website; but otherwise
essentially the same as those from the Marine Corps University.
The Marine of the
Year Page
Marine Scout/Sniper
Marine Sniper Carlos
Hathcock In His Own Words
Marine Vignettes
by Gunny G - A series of short-stories by or about US Marines, Corpsmen,
etc. Old Time Marines send your story for inclusion on Marine Vignettes--war,
human interest, humor, etc.
Marines: 1871 Korea
Campaign - An extensive website regarding the U.S. involvement and action
in Korea in which American servicemen were killed, etc.
Marines Forum For The Damn Few!
- The Conestoga Wagon of the WWW! No Political correctness! No Big Brother
Rules! No BS! For all Marines!!!
Forum Frigate - Discussion and live chat devoted to the mighty US Marine
Memorial Day 1999
The Men Of Montford
Point - The story of the first Black Marines in the Corps!
Around The World WebRing - Numerous Marines sites listed.
Military Ministry Network -
A civilian-run marine ministry supporting US Marines worldwide.
Military/Patriotic Greeting
Cards - Send free military/patriotic greeting cards to your friends,
relatives, business associates, etc. All branches of services.
Mr. Marine/Mr. Leatherneck:
Lou Diamond! - MGySgt "Lou" Diamond USMC (deceased) was one of the most
famous and colorful of old-time Marines.
My Marine and Artillery
Page - A tribute to my husband who served in the Marine Corps. Also included
a brief history of each war America has fought in.
National Rifle Assn. - Homepage--National
Rifle Association of America.
The New Totalitarians - RESTORE
THE REPUBLIC The premise of this site is that our constitutional republic
is in trouble. This situation is exemplified by the signal of distress on
the high seas -- the inverted national flag. The material presented here
aims to restore our republic to the status which emboldened our Founding
Fathers to sacrifice their reputations, fortunes, families, and lives for
our right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Old Salt Marines of the
1930/40/'50s - Exclusively for old time Marines of the pre-WWII, WWII,
and pre-VietNam eras. Find old buddies, sea stories, questions, read/post
your memories, etc.
Once a Marine - If you're a
MARINE, you endured boot camp. We did, sometimes barely. We need stories
about your humorous, hilarious, sad, etc experiences. Look at our site today.
One Marine's
Grave - PFC Lee Marvin USMC
Operation Arlington
Ridge/Million Marine March! - Background and Information regarding the
planned Million Marine March to Washington, D.C. planned for November 10th,
Speech-1944 - Whay Gen Patton really said.
Church Vietnam - An American Journey begins with two brave, frightened
men, one behind a camera and one before the lens. They are in a darkling,
hazy church in Vietnam and they are waiting to die.
PFC Tom Dowlearn's
Story-1945 USMC - Pfc Tom Dowlearn was transferred to a special unit
in the last year of WWII where he met, among others, the famous "Chesty"
Puller of the Marines, and MGySgt Lou Diamond!
Reading High School
MCJROTC - The Marine Corps JROTC offers high school students to gain
a better view of the world through discipline
Ribbon Checker -
Military Ribbon Checker
Richard Keech - Richard Keech
is a former pre-WW-II, China-service Marine, he was taken prisoner by the
Japanese on Corregidor to become a POW until 1945.
RightBot-The Conservative Community's Internet
Directory - RightBot has approved my request to provide a category to
accomodate military websites. Now you may add your site to RighBot--"Society
and Culture--Veterans Resources" at Semper Fidelis,
Dick Gaines
Royal Navy/Royal Marines
- Extensive information regarding the Royal Navy and the Royal Marines.
Sayonara Marines-Japan
1950s... - Marines in Japan in the 1950s--Message Board/Guestbook/Links,
Scuttlebutt and Smallchow
- New, used and out-of-print books on Marine Corps history, also photographs,
documents, ephemera and militaria
Fi Mac! - Semper Fi, Marine Pride, Active and Retired Military
Semper Fi Society
Fi Society Main Site - University of Maryland
SemperWise - a collection of Marine tributes
and products - SemperWise offers a collection of Marine Corps tributes,
poems and products that is always expanding. There are also several other
topic pages being added. Christian, Combat Corpsman, Western, etc.
Sgt Bill Genaust USMC
- The story of Marine combat photographer, Sgt Bill Genaust USMC, on Iwo
Shoe's Marine Air
Traffic Control - Information for Marines and Air Traffic Controllers.
Short Rounds!
- Odds 'n Ends, Bits a'n Pieces, and things that just would not fit as well
anyplace else except right here!
Sixth Marine Division
- Backround and history of the 6thMarine Division.
The Sniper Technology and Training site
- Lots of Sniper and Marine information
The Sniper's
Perspective! - Carig Roberts -- former U.S. Marine sniper; police officer;
helicopter pilot; author, etc.
Spinelli Hooch
- Life of a Former Marine.
Standing in the Gap
- This site is a graphical dedication to all who serve or have served this
great nation. Tis an honor. Many graphics free to share
It To The Marines! - A webpage devoted to the film, Tell It To The Marines;
its actors, stories, history, etc.
Toys For Tots Homepage - U.S. Marine
Corps Toys For Tots Foundation
U S Marine
Corps reunion club - All Marines and FMF Corpsmen, no "wannabes"
United States Marine Corps - Home -
Do you have what it takes to be one of us?
United States Marine Corps Free E-mail Forwarding
for USMC Marines, NCOs, Officers, retirees and family members -
provides free permanent web-based e-mail forwarding addresses Marines, NCOs,
Officers, retirees and dependants of The United States Marine Corps. All
email received at your permanent United States Marine Corps free
email address is automatically forwarded to your destination email address.
The United States
- Main Page
US Marine Stuff - quotes,
poems, and ancedotes on the Us Marines
Marines - Gulf War Vets page.
U.S. Marines, Lost & Found
Section - Lost a Marine over the years? Come here and search for that
special person.
USMC Combat Wife - My site is
in honor of my husband who served with Mike 3/5 in Vietnam, where our Marines
and friends can share their combat experiences, pictures, and other information.
USMC Recruiting Office - The
web site of the United States Marine Corps Recruiting Office in Pompton Lakes,
New Jersey.
USMC Vietnam
Tankers - Vietnam veterans of the 1st, 3rd and the 5th Tank Battalions,
United States Marine Corps
Veteran's Exchange - Worlds Largest
Selection of Marine Corps, and other branchs of service, T-shirts, Hats,
pens, patches and much much more!!!! Lowest prices around!!
Vietnam Veteran Snipers
- USMC Vietnam Veteran Snipers,great links, Photos,new site so check back
W.E.B. Griffin
- Author of numerous Marine Corps realted books.
What Ever Happened
To....? USMC - A letter written by Dick Gaines, GySgt USMC
(Ret.)--1952-1972-- regarding the whereabouts of so many old Marine buddies.
Women Marines Association
- Information!
Young Marines of Vienna -
Young Marines of Vienna, Ohio
Last Update
May 28, 2003
by Ray
Trygstad, LCDR USN (Retired ). Copyright 2000 Webmaster Sources LLC,
Naperville, IL