- AboarD NautiLinks
- About.com: Jobs/Careers
> U.S. Military > Navy [Rod
- About.com: Jobs/Careers
> U.S. Military > Marines [Rod
- About.com: Jobs/Careers
> U.S. Military > Coast Guard [Rod
- Another
Merchant Marine Page - Maritime Links [Greg
- Armed Forces
of the World from the War,
Peace and Security Guide [Canadian
Forces College]
- Cyber Navy Submarine Base
Houston Texas [Al
Beaupre] (gone 6/19/00)
- Dave
Naess' Maritime Links [Dave
- Don Nugent's Web Page
(Maritime links) [Don Nugent]
- Direito Mar�timo
e Direito do Mar A concise guide to maritime Law resources on the
Internet (Portugese) [Escola Superior
de Tecnologia e Gestão of the Instituto
Politécnico de Beja]
- Down
to the Sea Dot Com [Bob
- Euro-Maritime Internet
resource for the european maritime community
- D.R.
Webb's Maritime, Merchant Marine, Ships and Nautical Links [Captain
Dennis Webb]
- Fairplay's
Database of Shipping Sites On The Web [Fairplay
Publications Limited]
- International
Maritime Organization Library Directory of Maritime Links [International
Maritime Organization]
- John's
Nautical Links List [John
- Ken Olsen's Sea
Lanes [Ken Olsen]
- Marine Corps Links [W.
R. Beddoe (Cpl. USMC 1981-1985)]
- Mariner's All-In-One
Page [Massachusetts Maritime
- Maritime History
on the Internet [Peter
- Maritime Global Net [Maritime
Information Systems]
- Maritime Links
[Hoffmann Services]
- Mark Rosenstein's
Sailing Page [Mark
- Merchant Marine and Maritime
Pages [Rick Boggs]
- Militaryinfo.com [VanGuard
Consultants, LLC]
- Nautalia
WorldWide Directory for Nautical Webs
- Naval
History Links from the War,
Peace and Security Guide [Canadian
Forces College]
Naval & Maritime Links [Andrew
- Naval Web Sites
Official USN link page [Navy Online]
Navylinks [MultiEducator]
- NSnet
Subject Index [NSNet/University
of Michigan Transportation Research Institute]
- Open
Directory: Business: Industries: Transportation: Ships and Shipping [Alexander
Fernandez, Alaknanda Mukherjee]
- (Note: the Open Directory: Society: Military: Navy category (editors:
[Greg Sommers, Dean "Scott"
Fredrickson, Ron Gamble, Walter
Schmidt, Jens Didriksen])
has been discontinued; see any of the three categories below instead.)
Open Directory: Regional:
North America: United States: Government: Military: Navy [cochrane,sentry]
- Open
Directory: Science: Engineering and Technology: Military: Naval
Open Directory: Society:
Military: Ships
- Maritime Information Gateway [National
Maritime Museum (UK)]
- Rongstad's
Military Links [Richard
- Shipping Lanes
from Merchant Marine
& Maritime page [Rick
- Submarine Links [C-Questor
- The Maritime
History Virtual Archives [Lars
- The Military Network [Robert
(Gunny) Hiles & Dale
R Smith]
- The Resource for Maritime
Law [Philip E. Weiss]
- The USS Navy
Homepage (gone 1/18/97)
- Vulture's Row Home
Page (Naval Aviation) [Robin
J. Lee]
- Virtual Naval Hospital [Michael P. D'Alessandro, M.D. and Donna M. D'Alessandro, M.D.]
Admiralty and Maritime Law Guide: > Maritime Industry [Todd
Admiralty and Maritime Law Guide: > Reference > Vessel Listings/Locators
[Todd Kenyon]
- Yahoo
: Business and Economy : Transportation : Maritime
- Yahoo :
Government : U.S. Government : Military : Navy
- WebRing Indices (# sites in ring as
of 10/31/01; former number of sites as of 6/19/00 listed for sites whose population
has declined. Many Web rings suffered seriously as a result of the transition
of the leading service to ownership by Yahoo!, and some rings have relocated.)
- 41
For Freedom Fleet Ballistic Missile Submarines (41)
- Aircraft
Carriers of the World (77)
- American
Military History Webring (10; was 55)
- Australian
Marine Rescue Web Ring (18)
- Australian
Maritime Webring (67; was 106)
- Band
of Brothers USMC (188; was 631)
- British
Military History (194)
- Busting
the Phonies Sites exposing fake SEALs, MOH winners, POWs
and Vietnam Vets (2) (was 10)
- Chain-Locker
(Coast Guard) (20; was 47)
- Civil War
Navy Ring (gone 10/31/01; was 15)
- The CPO
Anchor Chain (131)
- Coastguard
WebRing International but primarily UK (26)
- Der
Deutsche U-Boot & Marine-Ring (101)
- Dutch
Navy ring (17)
- Elite
Navy SEALs Webring (7; was 14)
- The
Few The Proud The Marines SiteRing (38)
- Fleet
Air Arm Web Ring Royal Navy (27)
- French
Navy Ring (14)
- Great
Destroyers of the US Navy (46; was 51)
- Gulf
War Webring (166)
- Historic
Navy Ships (54)
- The
Home Front (USCG spouses) (gone 10/31/01; was 6)
- The
HMS Ganges Association SiteRing (28)
- The
International Maritime Ring (202[?]; was 323)
- I Love My
Navy Sailor (30)
- The
~* I Love My Sailor *~ SiteRing (11)
- Intruder
Ring (23)
Webring (22; was 205)
- The
Korean War Web Ring (27; was 47)
- Marine Air Traffic
Control (15)
- Marine Wives
Ring (18; was 35)
- Marines
Around The World (10; was 39)
- Military
Control Center (1011)
- NavRing
(284; was 526)
- NavShips
HistoryRing (364; was 376)
(55; was 86)
- Navy
Minesweepers (37)
- Navy
Mustangs (11)
- Navy
Spouse Webring (12; was 49)
- Nelson (6)
Webring (6; was 10)
- The
Operation: Arlington Ridge SiteRing USMC Anniversary Celebration (28)
- Operation
Just Cause (POW/MIA issues) (1298)
- Pirate
Ring (6; was 16)
Navy SEALs Webring (12)
- Royal Dutch
Marine Corps WEBRING (7)
- The Royal
Navy (6)
- Royal Navy
Interests (14)
- Royal
Navy Web-Ring (63; was 104)
- Sea
Cadet Webring (14; was 47)
- Sea
Scout Webring (91; was 98)
webring (18; was 53)
- Semper
Fi (5; was 8)
- The Silent
Service Ring (154; was 228)
- Squidring (19)
- Steel
Roses of the Navy (29)
Submarine Ring (36)
- Tall Ships (99)
- United
States Marine Corps Webring (55; was 99)
- The
US Inland Waterways SiteRing (13)
- U.S.
Merchant Marine Ring (12; was 25)
- US Naval
and Marine Attack Squadrons (17)
- U.S. Naval
Sea Cadet Corps (1; was 27)
- The U.S.
Navy Seabees Ring (71)
- US
Navy Wives Ring (4)
- The
USS Arizona and Pearl Harbor SiteRing [no commercial sites] (23)
- Veterans
Service Organizations Ring (37; was 75)
- Vietnam
Veterans of America (62)
- VRC-50
RING (14)
- War at Sea (62)
- War
at Sea [RingSurf] (4)
- The
Woman Marine Webring (2; was 8)
- Young
Marines Webring (7)
- The
Young Military Wives' Webring (32; was 103)
- Titanic WebRings
- dreamboat..
(2; was 104)
- Forever
Titanic Ring (9; was 12 [was 78!])
- Full
Circle: The Titanic Ring (127; was 327 [was 613!])
Titanic Webring (4 [was 84!])
- An Ocean
Of Memories (41)
Titanic Web Ring (206)
- Ship
Of Dreams (9; was 70)