Naval and Maritime
The World Wide Web Virtual Library: Naval and Maritime: Naval History and Maritime Strategy
Featured Site: Sea Flags is the website devoted to images and information on the flags, pennants, customs, and ceremonies of the United States Navy and the other American seagoing services. This is a wonderful site, cleanly done and chocked full of high-quality images of all the U.S. Sea Service flags and much more, including ships stack marks for Navy Operational Efficiency Competitions. Bravo Zulu, Joseph McMillan!

1871 Incident / 2 new articles Two articles about the U.S.'s “first” Korean War [Korean-studies Mailing List archived at the Intercultural Institute of California]
Richard K. Kolb, “‘Tiger Hunt’ in Korea.”, VFW, Veterans of Foreign Wars Magazine, vol. 87, no. 7 (March 2000): 38-39.
David F. Winkler, “Marine Amphibious Landing in Korea, 1871”, Sea Power, vol. 42, no. 11 (November 1999): 22
Admiral Kimmel  The Pearl Harbor Scapegoat by Captain Vincent J. Colan, USNR (Ret) [Military Magazine]
American Merchant Marine at War [Dan and Toni Horodysky for the U.S. Maritime Service Veterans]
Attack on the USS Liberty Homepage [Jim Ennes and Joe Meadors]
The Austro-Hungarian Fleet [Vincze Béla György]
Battle Histories Of The World (Naval battles) [Guy Derdall]
Battle of Cape St. Vincent, February 14th 1797 [Peter J. Milford]
The Battle Off Samar Home Page  [Robert Jon Cox ]
The Battle of Midway  [Chris Hawkinson]
Battle of Pacocha Royal Navy versus the Peruvian Navy [Juan del Campo]
The Battle of Vigo Bay, 1702 (in Spanish) [Rafael Ojea]
Battleship Row A photographic site dealing with all ships involved with the attack at Pearl Harbor [Author unidentified]
Capture of the U-505: A First Person Account By Frank P. DeNardo, Former Signalman 2/C aboard the USS Chatelain [Marcy Crossman]
California Naval History [California Military Museum]
Canonesa, Convoy HX72 & U-100 Account of the September 1940 u-boat attack on Convoy HX72 enroute from Nova Scotia to the UK [Tom  Purnell]
Confederate Submarine CSS H.L. Hunley  [John Morris]
Cruiser Scout: Recollections of War in the Pacific Paul A. McKinley, Chief Warrant Radio Electrician USN, 1937-1946 [CommPro International]
Curtis F-Boat, Illinois Naval Militia, 1915 [Ralph Cooper]
! Danish Naval History - Marinehistorie Also in Danish [Johnny E. Balsved]
Discovery Channel Battleship Feature (Gone 6/1/00)
Out of Gloucester Gloucester fishermen  [R. Sheedy]
Eastland Disaster Historical Society Little-known 1915 sinking of the Eastland in Chicago had the greatest loss of life of any shipwreck [Eastland Disaster Historical Society]
Finnish navy in Winter War  [Sami Korhonen]
Finnish navy in Winter War  [Sami Korhonen]
Finnish Navy in World War II  [Jari Aromaa]
German Naval History [Michael Emmerich]
Great White Fleet Complete history of the famous 1907 world cruise of the United States Battle Fleet [Ronald Branson]
Hearts of Oak: A Look at the Royal Navy of the 18th Century (Gone 6/1/00)
Heroes in the Ships: African Americans in the Whaling Industry [The Kendall Whaling Museum]
The Historical Maritime Society - Exists to carefully research and reenact the exciting times around the year 1805 when Britain was threatened by Bonaparte and only the Royal Navy could prevent invasion from across the Channel [The Historical Maritime Society/Phil Egginton]
History of Ships & Navies Commercial CD-ROM [MultiEducator Incorporated]
Images of the Spanish American War Warning: really large page! [P. Darlene McClendon]
Imperial Japanese Navy [Jon Parshall]
Imperial Japanese Navy [Vadim Krivosheyev aka Watson]
Kimmel Hearings (currently off-line)
Kriegsmarine Encyclopedia The German Navy in World War II [Michael Emmerich]
The Kriegsmarine The German Navy in World War II [E. Faust]
! The Last Wave from Port Chicago Web-based book on the July 17, 1944 explosion at Port Chicago Naval Magazine; presents case it being the first ever atomic explosion [Doug Prouty/Peter Vogel]
Latitude: The Art and Science of Fifteenth-Century Navigation [Patricia Seed]
The Leif Ericson Millennium Celebration (Gone 6/1/00 - link to disabled as it now connects to an adult-content site)
Maritime History [Michael Phillips, Jane Phillips]
Maritime History and Naval Heritage Web Site [Mike Phillips]
Maritime History on the Internet: A Guide to Electronic and Print Resources in Maritime History [Peter McCracken]
The Maritime History Virtual Archives The most comprehensive resource in the field. [Lars Bruzelius]
Maritime History Citations for the Oxford English Dictionary [Alan H. Hartley]
Military Magazine  Military History of WWII, Korea, Viet-Nam and Today [Military Magazine]
Mutiny on the HMS Bounty [Paul J. Lareau]
Naval history [from the War, Peace and Security WWW Server,  Canadian Forces College]
Naval History Information Center [Haze Grey & Underway/Andrew Toppan]
Naval Militia: A Historical Perspective  [CPL Jon B. Silvis (OH)/State Guard Association of the United States]
NavyHistory. com  > The complete History of the Navy  [MultiEducator Incorporated]
Navsource  Detailed information about the history of the ships of the United States Navy [Paul R. Yarnall]
Navsource Photo Archives Main Index  US Navy Warship photo collection [Paul R. Yarnall]
Navy Firefighting Operations in the 1906 San Francisco earthquake [Museum of the City of San Francisco/Gladys Cox Hansen]
Newfoundland in the Great War: Royal Naval Reserve [Jason Churchill, Lisa Dwyer & Monte Kearley/Newfoundland and Labrador Heritage Website]
The Nelsonian History Page [Anthony B. Vogl]
Norfolk's Hero Admiral Horatio Nelson (Gone 6/1/00)
Peru's Naval Officers [Juan del Campo]
Online Bibliography of Military Leadership [David D. Van Fleet]
Royal Navy During the Napoleanic Era (Gone 6/1/00)
Royal Navy of World War 2 Very nice profile views of all WWII RN ships [Andrew Arthur] Online Shipwreck Databases [Sandusky Software/Paul Hancock]
Save Cerberus Campaign to save the Cerberus (1870), last survivor of the breastwork monitors that provided the link to the modern battleship, now a rusted breakwater off Melbourne, Australia. [Ian MacFarlane]
Savo Island - Warships and Aircraft That took part in The Battles Of The Solomons (currently off-line)
Sea Flags [Joseph McMillan]
Ships of the Ancient Greeks [Medea, the Musical/John Fisher]
Ships and Shipping Database Pacific Coast Ships - [Tacoma Public Library]
Sinking of the USS Benevolence [William L. Sadler]
The Strategist and the Web Revisited: Summary [James Kievit & Steven Metz]
The Swan Shipwreck -1653 The failure of Oliver Cromwell's plan to destroy Clan MacLean at Duart Castle [Clan Gillean (Maclean)/Robert A. Goodson]
The Tragedy of the USS Indianapolis By Paul Brockman [Indiana Historical Society]
The Treasure Fleets The Story of the Spanish Treasure Fleets [Michael Imig] The U-boat War 1939-1945 A wonderful site, updated frequently and exhaustively complete [Guðmundur Helgason]
An Unofficial History of the Royal Canadian Navy [William Underhill]
USS Arizona Memorial [National Park Service]
Arizona Memorial Museum Association [National Park Service]
USS Missouri Memorial - WWII Battleship [USS Missouri Memorial Association] History of the German WWII U-Boat U 35 and its crew [Hans U. Mair, a relative of U 35 Chief Engineer Gerhard Stamer]
U.S. Submarine History [Matt Anderson]
Who Became Kamikaze Pilots, and How Did they Feel Towards Their Suicide Mission? Perceptive essay using interviews with relatives and many primary sources [Mako Sasaki in The Concord Review]
World War I Naval Combat [Darren Milford]
World War One - The Maritime War [The World War I Document Archive/William Schleihauf ]
World War II Warships Archive [Peter A. Ossipoff]
WW2, Pacific War [Jim Bauer]
World War II Resources Primary source materials on the Web; original documents regarding all aspects of the war. [Pearl Harbor Working Group/Larry W. Jewell]
WWW-VL History [Lynn H. Nelson]
WWW-VL: Maritime History [Lynn H. Nelson]
WWW-VL: Military History [Lynn H. Nelson]

See also:

[TOP] Last updated May 28, 2003 by Ray Trygstad, LCDR USN (Ret)
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