let Columbus' navigator,
the Last Supper mess
cook, Jonah's helmsman,
and Noah's boatswain pal-
pitate the periphery of
your subconscious with
these nuances from the
past. do you
- Ring Dance in Dahlgren Hall.
- APL-S.
- Building 286
- 20 cents for a pack of cigarettes.
- Ship's log in the steerage,
- waterskiing in the urinals.
- shoving out and the Green Bench.
- Ho Chi Minh Trail.
- buying your own sheets.
- marching to class.
- Operation seabreeze.
- delinquency code 352.
- playing tennis by Stribling Walk.
- gloves with buttons.
- iceskating.
- Philadelphia scrapple.
- when there was no Ricketts Hall.
- pool tables in Smoke Hall.
- the South Stack Room.
- Tecumseh with a beard.
- Chinese Bandits.
- a wooden Tecumseh.
- when there was no circular walk.
- brass cannons in Dahlgren Hall.
- First Class Club.
- blue cap covers.
- old style Army B-robes.
- manual toothbrushes.
- Jimmy Lewis.
- "Summer cruises .
- "Dark Ages".
- Herndon after Graduation.
- "B" ;for bilgers.
- First Class professional papers,
- swimming to Baltimore.
- blue and gold blankets.
- Deputy Dods.
- old decorations in the Mess Hall.
- Prof. Langdon at pep rallies.
- 700 GTO's in the yard.
- wooden knockabouts.
- rates for the Rec Room,
- no credit cards.
- $15 plebe paydays.
- No More Rivers.
- Vector Mechanics,
- speech class in the summer.
- no Isherwood Library.
- the bell system in the Mess Hall.
- Gate 2 open Saturday night.
- old study tables in the library.
- Why there is no excuse?
- transoms over the doors.
- seeing Roger Staubach in the hall.
- "over the wall" for pep rallies.
- youngster nights with the plebes.
- seaplanes across the river.
- Firsty-Plebe system.
- no Midshipman Ensigns.
- tightly rolled neckerchiefs.
- Uncle Charlie.
- God of 2.5.
- God of 2.0.
- Thompson Stadium.
- the A-4 in Tecumseh Court.
- shovelling snow.
- 24 companies in the Brigade.
- the Virgin Cannons firing.
- the night the steam pipes blew up,
- dead horse.
- second set pro lectures.
- shoulder boards with crows.
- A & B week classes.Jones' Walk.
- Why did you guess?
- Goo.
- unlined reefers.
- the Navy 10.
- stencilled names on the front of white works.
- The Worm.
- a dog named Alice.
- real spontaneous pep rallies.
- no dragging to Chapel.
- no leggings at spring p-rades.
- Matt the Hat,
- REMEMBER and Fishman.
- mail delivered to room.
- Graduation in the Field House.
- Joe Bellino.
- the Annapolis Sailors.
- What's playing at the Star?
- thermocouple.
- the jukebox in the steerage.
- the Colonial drive-in.
- "The Splinter".
- listening to "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" in the
- Maryland security watch
- when MOD's couldn't smoke, study or sit while on watch.
- The Foucault Pendulum in Sampson Hall.
- hygiene and counter-insurgency lectures.
- two days extended leave due to snow storm.
- Harley steaks or steak a la P. Smith,
- when there was no peanut butter,
- shaking the chandelier in Mahan Hall.
- when there was no Christmas Leave for plebes.'
- staying in the same company for 4 years.
- no meal tickets.
- no civvies in lockers.
- drinking in the hall.
- Air-ocean Environment
- Slide Rule and Trig plebe summer.
- the Foreign Languages Building.
- watching lax or soccer on Dewey Field.
- blanket section at Popular Music Concerts.
- 2/c studying in the shower.
- the old system of laundry numbers.
- running through the Mess Hall on Homecoming dinner night.
- carrying football players to the buses.
- going over to the Supe's House for pep rallies
- 2200 taps and 2300 late lights for plebes.
- warming the stools at reveille.
- throwing Woops in the shower.
- soap tests.
- getting shots with a needle.
- E.D. in the basement showers.
- no fluoride treatments.
- muster boards every formation.
- the Maryland Avenue trench.
- painting the smokestack.
- chemistry labs in Maury Hall.
- when Corfam shoes were reg.
- costumes at pep rallies.
- Joe the carpenter.
- the piranha in the steerage.
- ivy on Bancroft Hall.
- What's in a cruise box?
- Sampson lecture
- Prof. Smedley.
- When there were no PMW's and no Forms 3.
- getting back folded laundry, pressed skivvies.
- 1/c Army-Air Force commissioning option.
- drinking water from the Rook's Monument.
- the Mystery Meat Picket in the Mess Hall.
- First Class dragging to poetry lectures.
- class rates on certain walks in the Yard.
- blue bedspreads with an anchor and a circle.
- the little old MacDonough Hall seamstress.
- two basement entrances to the Mid Store.
- green paint on the cars at Hospital Point.
- touch football between the 7th and 8th wings.
- 3"/50 saluting guns next to the Mexican Monument.
- President Kennedy's flag in the steerage.
- the Pa Chooka Machine and the day it died.

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New 3/21/97 / Restored 11/6/01
by Ray Trygstad '77. Copyright
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