When there are whitecaps on the coffee,
that's our kind of weather.

Who is the First Batt Marine who inspects his charge's rooms during leave
1: "My Company Officer is about as squared-away as a marble."
2: "What's a Company Officer?"
And what about the beer cans the U of Md students pelted at the Lax
team last year? It's too bad they were empty, eh fellows?

A LOG exclusive expose: the EH&G Dept officially bans the use of pencils.
That's why there are no sharpeners in Maury Hall.

Statistics show that chances are your Grease Girl is somebody
else's Class Girl.

After almost a year, the truth finally comes out: about the
Mid with the Playboy rabbit on his class ring.

And who was the Firstclassman wlio deducted his ring from his
Income Tax as a "necessary item of uniform insignia."

A favorite steam prof of ours tells us that there are only
three basic precepts to learn at the Naval Academy: F=ma, V=IR, and you can't
push a rope.

Turn back? I wouldn't turn back to Morning Meal.

Next year the Big Blue will be riding to their games in a milk
carton on wheels.

Is it true that the Executive Dept has installed a camera at
Gate O? Or does the CMOOW just hide in the "little green hut"?

Our company officer's motto: You have to go out, you don't
have to come back.

The true Gouge for Nav Sci: How long is a prolonged blast?
and define EMCON.

Home is where you can go to the head and people can't see your

For the young Ensign: Home is where the car is...

One of the Night Crawlers informs us that the steam tunnel
connects through Mahan Hall to the Power Plant outside gate 8.

Why does an NFO have two anchors on his wings?

We can see no reason why E314 shouldn't be the last scheduled
exam ... after all, it is a 1/ c course.

Why do all the flags in T-Court wave towards the Rotunda?

Just who are the guys drilling holes in the yard? Anyway?

If cools were a forest, our company officer would probably
be a toothpick. If brains were dynamite, he couldn't blow his nose...

I'd rather be dead, than red on the head ...

Our thermo prof tells us that.
Steam is a bad gas.

If you have got to go to the Naval Academy, go First

Our Old Grad refers to USNA as an academic Edsel.

Who would offer a $50 reward for a dog's head on a sword?

Everyone has learned to live with the coke machine in the Fifth
Wing basement that thoughtfully drops the can on your spit-shined shoes.

I love that sound: two clinks, and a

First I spent three hours with three Captains being
interviewed. Then I was taken into the Admiral's office. The first thing
he asked me was how tall I am-he is only about five feet-he then asked me
if I played basketball. Those were pretty easy to answer, but then he asked
me about my "D". I started to answer that I didn't like my instructor and
didn't put much effort into the course. All I got to say, though, was that
I didn't like the instructor. He interrupted, saying that a "D" was always
the fault of the instructor, the "A" was the student's. He went into a big
harangue and ended with "Well, that's typical!"
He then asked me if I had sung in a choir in high school.
He asked my favorite song and, for lack of a better title, I said "People".
So he called in his two secretaries and said, "Mr. P-----, why don't you
stand up and sing 'People' for us"? I stood up and screeched out a couple
of lines before I forgot the words. I sat back down and he asked if any
girls had told me that I was good looking. I replied that a couple had.
Then he asked his secretaries for their opinions. They both agreed that
I was "one of the best looking one's we've had in here." He asked them to
rank me on a scale from 0 to 100. The younger one said she'd give me an
85. The other, slightly older, said at least a 90. I didn't say anything
during all of this. Then he asked them to compare my looks with the officer
who had escorted me and was sitting just behind me. They said I was better
looking and he asked the officer if he was offended. All he answered was
"No sir." The Admiral concluded the interview with "That's all."
And that was all.